
The Center for Networked Computing (CNC), a university research center focused on network technology and its applications, was founded in 2010. Its missions are to advance the development of network technology and its applications by combining resource of government, industry, and academia and to train students who will be ready to join industry and academia.

CNC is engaged in the following, not limited to, research areas: mobile computing and wireless networks, computer and network security, distributed computing, fault-tolerant systems, parallel and high performance computing, cyber-physical systems, storage systems, power and failure-aware management, data-intensive computing, cloud computing, and IoT applications.

Since its inception, CNC has obtained several funds from NSF, DoD, and the City of Philadelphia. In 2011, a CNC-lead team was awarded an NSF medium-size grant on Mobile Content Sharing Networks: Theory to Implementation. In 2016, another CNC-lead team was awarded an NSF medium-size grant on Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Access Technologies in the 5 GHz Bands. CNC is also involved a wide range of education, equipment, and development related projects, including NSF GENI, US Ignite, and NSF MRI grants.


  • Prof. Jie Wu served as the general co-chair at the 24th International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MobiHoc), October, 2023.

  • Prof. Jie Wu has received NSF grant as a PI, titled "EDU: Enhancing Cybersecurity Training for Next Generation Healthcare Professionals", August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2027, $400,000.

  • Prof. Xubin He has received NSF grant as a PI, titled "Collaborative Research: Elements: ProDM: Developing A Unified Progressive Data Management Library for Exascale Computational Science", August 1, 2023 - July 31, 2026, $400,000.

  • Prof. Yu Wang served as the program co-chair at the 30th IEEE Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2023), September 25-27, 2023.

  • Prof. Jie Wu received the best paper award at IEEE MASS 2023. This is co-authored with a group of researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).

  • Prof. Jie Wu has received an NSF grant as a PI, titled "Enhancing Cybersecurity Training for Next Generation Healthcare Professionals", August 1, 2023 - July 31, 2026, $400,000.

  • Prof. Jie Wu served as a General Co-Chair for 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, May 15-19, St. Petersburg, Florida.

  • Prof. Jie Wu served as a General Co-Chair for 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 15-19, St. Petersburg, Florida.

  • Prof. Xubin He served as the Doctoral Showcase co-chair for the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Nov 12–17, 2023, Denver, CO.

  • Prof. Xubin He served as the program area chair for the 37th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, May 15-19, 2023.

  • Prof. Xubin He served as the steering committee chair of IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS) held in Temple University Center City, October 2-3, 2022.

  • Prof. Jie Wu co-chaired an ARO Workshop on Network Security held in Temple University Center City, November 17 - 18. Prof. Y. Wang served as the local arrangement chair.

  • Prof. Jie Wu served as the general chair of IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS) held in Temple University Center Center City, October 2-3.

  • Prof. Anduo Wang has received an NSF CAREER Award, titled "Logical Reasoning of Networks with Partial Knowledge", July 1, 2022 - December 31, 2027, $104,126.

  • Prof. Jamie Payton and Jie Wu have received an NSF grant, titled "REU Site: Research Experiences in Pervasive Computing for Smart Health, Safety, and Well-being", March 1, 2022 - February 28, 2025, $409,297.

  • Prof. Xubin He has received an NSF grant, titled "Collaborative Research: SHF: Small: Rethinking Performance Variation for Emerging Applications - An Application-centric and Cross-layer Approach", January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024.

  • Prof. Jie Wu served as General Co-Chair for WiOpt 2021: the 19th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks held online from Oct. 18 to Oct. 20, 2021.

  • Professor Jie Wu has received an NSF grant, titled "CPS: Medium: Cooperative AI Inference in Vehicular Edge Networks for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems", October 1, 2021 - September 31, 2024.

  • Professor Jie Wu has received an NSF grant, titled "CNS Core: Medium: Data Augmentation and Adaptive Learning for Next Generation Wireless Spectrum Systems", October 1, 2021 - September 31, 2024.

  • Professor Xiaojiang Du has received an NSF grant, titled "Collaborative Research: Hardware-in-the-Loop and Remotely Accessible/Configurable/Programmable Internet of Things (IoT) Testbeds", August 1, 2020-July 31, 2023.

  • Professor Xiaojiang Du has been elevated to IEEE Fellow for contributions to Wireless Security, effective January 1, 2020.

  • Professor Chiu C. Tan received an NIH grant as a Co-PI on "Feasibility of the Smart Prompt for Improving Everyday Function in Dementia", June 1, 2019 - May 31, 2021, $425,921.

  • Professor Xubin He served as the steering committee chair of the IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS).

  • Professor Jie Wu has been awarded as a fellow for American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). AAAS award ceremony was in Feb. 16, 2019.

  • Professor Jie Wu has received the ONR grant "Cyber Forensics Toolkit for Machinery Control", June 1, 2018-May 31, 2021, $500,000.

  • Professor Xubin He has received the NSF grant "SHF:Small: Collaborative Research: Understanding, Modeling, and System Support for HPC Data Reduction", July 1, 2018-June 30, 2021, $199,898.

  • Professors Xiaojiang Du and Jie Wu have received the NSF grant "SpecEES: Collaborative Research: Study of the Tradeoff between Spectrum Allocation Efficiency and Operation Privacy in Dynamic Spectrum Access Systems", October 1, 2018- September 31, 2021, $329,998.

  • Professors Xiaojiang Du, Xubin He, Jamie Payton, and Jie Wu have received the NSF grant "MRI: Development of an Information Assurance and Performance Infrastructure for the Internet of Things", October 1, 2018- September 31, 2021, $400,000.

  • Professor Jie Wu has received the Outstanding Service Award for IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP), 2018.

  • Professor Xubin He has received the NSF grant "SHF:Small: Collaborative Research: Tailoring Memory Systems for Data-Intensive HPC Applications", August 1, 2017-July 31, 2020, $310,000.

  • Professor Jie Wu has received the ARO grant "Moving Target Defense in Military Organization with Connected Dominating Set as Command Units", August 1, 2017-May 31, 2018, $60,000.

  • Professor Bo Ji has received the prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation. The NSF CAREER Award “is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.” Prof. Ji will focus his efforts on creating new theoretical foundations for designing provably efficient network control algorithms that perform well in all three dimensions of throughput, delay, and complexity. The NSF link is here.

  • Professor Anduo Wang serves on ACM SIGCOMM Executive committee as the Information Services Director, July 2017 - (estimated) July 2021.

  • Professor Anduo Wang has received the NSF grant "Towards a database-defined network", February 15, 2017-January 31, 2020, $160,000.

  • Professor Jie Wu , Chair and Laura H. Carnell Professor, recently served as General Chair for the 45th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on August 16-19, 2016. Providing a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, the ICPP allows for researchers to present their latest findings in all aspects of parallel and distributed computing, among them Dr. Chita Das, George Pappas, and Ricardo Bianchini.

  • Professor Jie Wu served as Program Area Chair for the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) held in San Francisco, California from April 10-15, 2016. IEEE INFOCOM is a highly ranked conference on networking in the research community and is a leading venue for researchers to present and exchange major and revolutionary contributions and ideas in the field of networking along with other related areas. Keynote speakers at this vastly esteemed conference included Professor Leonard Kleinrock and Professor Mario Gerla.

  • Professor Jie Wu served as Workshop Chair for the Second National Workshop for REU Research in Networking and Systems (REUNS) held in Richardson, Texas on October 19, 2015. The goal of this workshop is to provide a place for students to publish their original research as part of the REU program.

  • Professor Jie Wu served as Symposium Chair for Resilient Communication Systems’ Resilience Week held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on August 18-20, 2015. This symposia is dedicated to research in resilient systems that will protect critical cyber-physical infrastructures from unexpected and malicious threats, thus securing our way of life. Plenary speakers included Andy Bochman, Richard Danzig, Patricia Hoffman of the US Department of Energy, and Pramod Khargonekar of the National Science Foundation.

  • Professor Xiaojiang Du recently served as Lead Chair for the Privacy and Security in Communications Symposium at the IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications held in Chengdu, China on July 27-29, 2016. This conference addressed the key theme of ubiquitous communications and computing for the future internet, broadly covering all disciplines of communications from fundamental research to emerging applications, along with emphasizing society-shaping technologies in today’s modern IT era. Keynote speakers at this conference included Professor Hikmet Sari, Professor Geoffrey Ye Li, Dr. Wen Tong, and Dr. Zhisheng Niu.

  • Professor Xubin He recently served as Session Chair for the 45th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on August 16-19, 2016. Providing a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, the ICPP allows for researchers to present their latest findings in all aspects of parallel and distributed computing, among them Dr. Chita Das, George Pappas, and Ricardo Bianchini.

  • Professor Xubin He served as Steering Committee Chair for the 11th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS) held in Long Beach, California on August 8-10, 2016. NAS provides a high-quality international forum, bringing researchers and practitioners from academia and industry together to discuss innovative research on networking, high-performance computer architecture, and parallel and distributed data storage technologies. Keynote speakers at this conference included Jack Dongarra and Jason Cong.

  • Professor Xubin He was recently invited to serve as an associate editor in the area of data storage systems for the CCF THPC (Transactions on High Performance Computing) held in Grenoble, France in conjunction with the 22nd International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par) on August 22-26, 2016. Topics of research may have included, but were not limited to, theoretical foundations for resilience, fault detection and prediction, monitoring and control for resilience, end-to-end data integrity, enabling infrastructure for resilience, and resilient solvers and algorithm-based fault tolerance.

  • Professor Bo Ji served as the Conference Track Co-chair for the IEEE TENCON held in Macau, China on November 1-4, 2015. TENCON has been held annually since 1980 and provides an environment for researchers and engineers from the industry and professors and graduate students from academia to network and discuss new ideas and developments in developing areas of electrical engineering, computers science, and other related fields. Plenary speakers at this conference included Professor Wei Zhao, Professor Vladimiro Miranda, Professor Franco Maloberti, and Professor Vincent W. S. Chan.

  • Professor Bo Ji served as Web Chair for WiOpt 2016: the 14th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks held at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona on May 9-13, 2016. Welcoming high-quality original works, this symposium focuses on the modeling and optimization of wireless network designs and operations while bringing together researchers and practitioners in these fields. Keynote speakers included Professor Rayadurgam Srikant, Professor Anthony Ephremides, and Professor Cheng-Shang Chang.

  • Professor Bo Ji recently served as Local Arrangement Chair for the 45th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on August 16-19, 2016. Providing a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, the ICPP allows for researchers to present their latest findings in all aspects of parallel and distributed computing, among them Dr. Chita Das, George Pappas, and Ricardo Bianchini.

  • Professor Bo Ji was recognized as a Distinguished Member and was awarded the Best-in-Session Presentation Award at the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) held in San Francisco, California from April 10-15, 2016. IEEE INFOCOM is a highly ranked conference on networking in the research community and is a leading venue for researchers to present and exchange major and revolutionary contributions and ideas in the field of networking along with other related areas. Keynote speakers at this vastly esteemed conference included Professor Leonard Kleinrock and Professor Mario Gerla.


  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker, Edge-Cloud Networks for Efficient AI/ML Implementations, Cloudnet, 2023.

  • Prof. Xubin He, Keynote Speaker,Lossy Compression for HPC Scientific Data, ISST, 2021

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker,Crowdsourcing as a Future Collaborative Computing Paradigm, CollaborateCom, 2021

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker,Enhancing Scalability and Liquidation in QoS Lightning Networks, IWQoS, 2021

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker,Challenges and Opportunities in Re-Balancing of Bike-Sharing Systems, FICC, 2021

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker,Cyber Security Defense: From Moving Target Defense to Cyber Deception, CSP, 2021

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker, Algorithmic Solutions for Re-Balancing in Bike Sharing: Challenges and Opportunities, FICC, 2021

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker,On Optimal Partitioning and Scheduling of DNNs in Mobile Edge/Cloud Computing, ICPADS, 2020

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker,Blockchain Mining Games in Hierarchical Blockchain Offloading, BRAINS, 2020

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker, Algorithmic Solutions for Re-Balancing in Bike Sharing: Challenges and Opportunities, ICNC, 2020

  • Prof. Xiaojiang Du, Keynote Speaker, Anomaly Detection for Appied Smart Home IoTs, FCS, 2019

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker, Cyber Security Defense: From Moving Target Defense to Cyber Deception, DependSys and FCS, 2019

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker, On Balancing Middlebox Set-up Cost and Bandwidth Consumption in NFV, I-SPAN, 2018

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker, On Authenticated Query Processing via Untrusted Cloud Service Providers, IEEE Trustcom, 2018

  • Prof. Xiaojiang Du, Keynote Speaker, Verifying Cloud Service Level Agreement by a Third Party Auditor, CCSNA, 2018

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker, On Efficient Data Collection Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, WASA, 2018

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker, Collaborative Mobile Charging: From Abstraction to Solution, IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 2016

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker, Algorithmic Crowdsourcing: Current Status and Future Perspective, IEEE APDCM, 2016

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Keynote Speaker, ADual-Centric Data Center Network Architectures, SRMPDS, 2016(in conjunction with ICPP 2016)

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Distinguished Lecture,Collaborative Mobile Charging and Coverage,University of Alabama, Huntsville, April 2016

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Panelist, Emerging Research Challenges in the Era of IOT, IEEE ICCCN, 2016

  • Prof. Jie Wu, Panelist, Networking Cyber-physical Applications in a Data-centric World, IEEE ICCCN, 2015

  • Prof. Xiaojiang Du, Keynote Speaker, the 8th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2014), October 15-17, 2014, Xi'an, China. The talk title is "Security Threats to Wireless Mobile Communications: Camera-based Attacks on Mobile Phones".

  • Prof. Xiaojiang Du, Lead Chair, Communication and Information Security Symposium, IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC) 2015, June 2015, London, UK.

  • Prof. Xiaojiang Du, Chair, Mobile and Wireless Networks Track, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2015, New Orleans, March 9-12, 2015, LA, USA.

  • Prof. Jie Wu gave a distinguished lecture titled "Algorithmic Crowdsourcing and Applications in Social Networking" at the Information Science & Technology Center (ISTeC) on March 4. ISTeC is a university-wide organization in Colorado State University

  • Prof. Jie Wu, CIS Chair and Laura H. Cornell Professor, gave a ACM Distinguished Lecture: Utility-based Routing and Its Applications, Wayne State University, 2013

  • Prof. Jie Wu, CIS Chair and Laura H. Cornell Professor, gave a Keynote Address at the IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Communications, Liverpool, UK, 26 June 2012

  • Prof. Jie Wu, CIS Chair and Laura H. Cornell Professor, gave a Distinguished Lecture: Cooperate Private Searching in Clouds, Tsinghua University, 2012


  • Nature 2022, Scientific Report, Z. Li, K. Hwang, K. Li, J. Wu, and T. Ji, Graph-generative Neural Network for EEG-based Epileptic Seizure Detection via Discovery of Dynamic Brain Functional Connectivity.

  • USENIX Security 2021, Authors: C. Fu, Q. Zeng, and X. Du, Title: HAWatcher: Semantics-Aware Anomaly Detection for Appified Smart Homes.

  • NeurIPS 2020, Authors: G. Sallam, Z. Zheng, J. Wu, and B. Ji, Title: Robust Sequence Submodular Maximization.

  • Best Paper Award and Best-in-Session Presentation Awards, IEEE INFOCOM 2019, Authors: F. Li and B. Ji, Paper Title: Combinatorial Sleeping Bandits with Fairness Constraints.

  • Best Paper Runner-Up Award, IDSC 2019, Authors: : S. Alasmari, W. Wang, T. Qin, and Y. Wang, Paper Title: Proof of Encryption: Enforcement of Security Service Level Agreement for Encryption.

  • Best Paper Award, ICC 2018, Authors: Y. Chen and J. Wu, Paper Title: Multi-hop Coflow Routing and Scheduling in Data Centers.

  • Best Paper Award, IWQoS 2016, Authors: H. Zheng, W. Chang and J. Wu, Paper Title: Coverage and Distinguishability Requirements for Traffic Flow Monitoring Systems.

  • Best Paper Runner-up Award, IEEE ICCCN 2016, Authors: H. Zheng, Z. Wan and J. Wu, Title: Optimizing MapReduce Framework through Joint Scheduling of Overlapping Phases.

  • Best Paper Award, IEEE ICCCN 2015, Authors: D. Li and J. Wu, Paper Title: FCell: Towards the Tradeoffs in Designing Data Center Network Architectures.

  • Best Paper Award, IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Authors: L. Ye, H. Zhang, and X. Du, Paper Title: Modeling Leechers Attack in BitTorrent.

  • Best Poster Runner-up Award, ACM MobiHoc 2014, Authors: X. Hei, X. Du and S. Lin, Title: Near Field Communication based Access Control for Wireless Medical Devices.

  • Professor Jie Wu and Ying Dai were presented with the "Best Paper Award" at IEEE MASS 2013! The paper "Boundary Helps: Efficient Routing Protocol using Directional Antennas in Cognitive Radio Networks", was recommended by the award committee of the tenth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2013.

  • Professor Jie Wu, one of his visiting students Sheng Zhang, and Professor Sanglu Lu, both from Nanjing University, P.R. China, were presented with the "Best Paper Runner-Up Award" at IEEE MASS 2012! The paper "Collaborative Mobile Charging for Sensor Networks", was recommended by the award committee of the ninth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2012.