Technology used


On the hardware side, we are running 32 Dell PowerEdge servers. These servers each have a single Dual-core Intel Celeron processor, with each core running at 2.4GHz. In addition, they each have 4Gb of RAM, and a single 450Gb hard drive.

These 32 servers are the 'worker' nodes, or in Eucalyptus terms: "Node Controllers". Running the Eucalyptus Cluster Controller and Cloud Controller is a much more powerful PowerEdge server with four Intel Xeon processors. Each processor has eight cores running at 2.1GHz. This Cluster Controller has 66Gb of RAM and 4Tb of hard drive space.


All of these computers are currently connected together via a single 1Gb Ethernet interface. We are currently working on connecting the hardware through another interface going into a network composed of enterprise OpenFlow capable switches. We plan to connect these switches through multiple redundant interfaces, which would allow many different exotic network configurations.

Server Layout

Our current server setup. 32 servers are grouped by fours to each switch. Those switches are then connected to the upper level switches which are connected to the top switch. The network and eucalyptus controllers are both connected to the top swich.


On the servers, we have Eucalyptus 4.1 installed. On the network controller, we have Eucaconsole 3.2 installed, which allows us to manage the Eucalyptus cloud. There is also an internal dhcp server installed, which allows the virtual machines to lease ip addresses, and allows us to tunnel an ssh connection into them from the outside world, without exposing ssh access to the controllers.